"The Misfits Collection" is a compilation album that showcases the raw and rebellious spirit of the American horror punk band Misfits. Released in 1986, this collection brings together their early iconic singles and EPs, including tracks from "Bullet," "Horror Business," and "Night of the Living Dead." With their unique blend of punk rock, horror themes, and catchy melodies, the Misfits created a sound that resonated with a devoted fanbase. "The Misfits Collection" captures the band's energetic and frenetic style, featuring tracks like "She," "Halloween," and "Attitude" that have become punk rock anthems. This compilation serves as a testament to the Misfits' enduring influence on the punk genre and solidifies their place in punk rock history.
- She
- Hollywood Babylon
- Bullet
- Horror Business
- Teenagers from Mars
- Night of the Living Dead
- Where Eagles Dare
- Vampira
- I Turned into a Martian
- Skulls
- London Dungeon
- Ghouls Night Out
- Astro Zombies
- Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?
- Die, Die My Darling
- Earth A.D.
- Devilock
- Death Comes Ripping
- Green Hell
- Wolfs Blood