Introducing Napalm Death's groundbreaking album "Scum" - a relentless and uncompromising masterpiece that defined the genre of grindcore. Released in 1987, "Scum" remains a seminal record, embodying the raw power and aggression that Napalm Death is known for.
From the first explosive notes to the final decimating chord, "Scum" showcases Napalm Death's unrelenting assault on the senses. With lightning-fast guitar riffs, pummeling drums, and guttural vocals, this album is a sonic tornado that leaves no room for respite. The intense energy and sheer brutality of the music on "Scum" are matched only by its thought-provoking lyrics, tackling social and political issues with unflinching honesty.
"You Suffer," gained unexpected popularity when it was featured in the hit TV show "Silicon Valley." The show's clever integration of the blisteringly short song brought Napalm Death's music to a wider audience, solidifying its status as a cultural phenomenon. This delightful moment serves as a testament to the lasting impact and surprising reach of Napalm Death's music, even beyond the realms of their dedicated fanbase.
- Multinational Corporations
- Instinct of Survival
- The Kill
- Scum
- Caught... in a Dream
- Polluted Minds
- Sacrificed
- Siege of Power
- Control
- Born on Your Knees
- Human Garbage
- You Suffer
- Life?
- Prison Without Walls
- Point of No Return
- Negative Approach
- Success?
- Deceiver
- C.S.
- Parasites
- Pseudo Youth
- Divine Death
- As the Machine Rolls On
- Common Enemy
- Moral Crusade
- Stigmatized
- M.A.D.
- Dragnet