Originally released in 1987, "Life Time" is the full-length debut by Rollins Band. This reissue – released on Rollins' 2.13.61 label – has been remastered for vinyl by TJ Lipple and includes updated artwork by Jason Farrell. The record contains a complimentary digital download coupon for the nine original album songs plus four tracks recorded live in Kortrijk, Belgium, on October 16, 1987. Now available again on colored vinyl. LP includes digital download with four additional tracks.
Track Listing:
1. Burned Beyond Recognition
2. What Am I Doing Here?
3. 1000 Times Blind
4. Lonely
5. Wreck-Age
6. Gun In Mouth Blues
7. You Look At You
8. If You're Alive
9. Turned Out
10. What Am I Doing Here? (live) (digital download only bonus track)
11. Burned Beyond Recognition (live) (digital download only bonus track)
12. Move Right In (live) (digital download only bonus track)
13. Hot Animal Machine II (live) (digital download only bonus track)