
Title Fight “Hyperview”

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  • Regular price $30.00

Formed in 2003 by members Ned Russin, Jamie Rhoden, Shane Moran, and Ben Russin in middle school, Title Fight's initial work was unsteady. In 2011 their debut album 'Shed' came out followed by 'Floral Green' (2012). After almost a decade, they voluntarily embarked on the road to find a new, perhaps better approach. 'Hyperview' is the long-awaited third full-length album produced by Will Yip in Conshohocken, PA, and their first with Anti-. Lush guitars carry the impact of the songs, and dreamy vocals make the album sound like the perfect soundtrack. Despite hints of the familiar ('Chlorine' with its Floral Green-like drive) and the canonical ('New Vision', 'Hypernight' with its My Bloody Valentine Is Nothing period), 'Hyperview' transcends influences to be loved on its own.